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new domain names for website of PDBbind and CCBG group

  • 关键字: new domain name 发布者:宣传部 发布时间:2011-01-12 09:41:55 点击数: 7631次

We are sorry to inform the users of PDBbind database that website of PDBbind database 

(http://www.pdbbind.org.cn) will be transferred to new domain name due to the registration

limitation of top level *.cn domain name recently in China. You can access PDBbind

temporarily at: http://www.sioc-ccbg.ac.cn/pdbbind , we will recover this domain name as

soon as the government open registration of top level *.cn domain names for individuals.

We will use new subdomain names of Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (*.sioc.ac.cn):

PDBbind database: www.pdbbind.sioc.ac.cn

CCBG group: www.ccbg.sioc.ac.cn

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