[user manual]
Upload Structure Files
(PDB format)
(mol2/sdf format)
Select Functions
  1. When predicting protonation status, you can provide a protein (PDB file format) or with a ligand (mol2 file format).
  2. When fixing protein PDB file, you can only provide a protein (PDB file format), other parameters will be ignored.
  3. When fixing ligand Mol2 file, you can only provide a ligand (mol2 file format), other parameters will be ignored.
  4. When fixing ligand SDF file, you can only provide a ligand (SDF file format), other parameters will be ignored.
  1. Li Y.; Han L.; Liu Z.H.; Wang R.X.*, "Comparative Assessment of Scoring Functions on an Updated Benchmark: II. Evaluation Methods and General Results", J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2014, 54 (6), pp. 1717-1736.
  2. Li Y.; Liu Z.H.; Li J.; Han L.; Liu J.; Zhao Z.X.; Wang R.X.*, "Comparative Assessment of Scoring Functions on an Updated Benchmark: I. Compilation of the Test Set", J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2014, 54 (6), pp. 1700-1716.
  3. Zhang, X.; Li, X.; Wang, R. X.*, "Interpretation of the Binding Affinities of PTP1B Inhibitors with the MM-GB/SA method and the X-Score Scoring Function", J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2009, Vol. 49, pp 1033-1048. (cover story)